Meet the Delbarton Music Ensembles’ New Conductor: Mr. Nathan Eklund

November 27, 2017
Last Friday, as the fall term wound down, Delbarton’s Instrumental Ensembles played their annual Fall Instrumental Concert before family, friends, and staff. For the first time in twenty years, the director for the Jazz, Wind, and Brass Ensembles was not Mr. Devine, who stepped down last year. In his place, taking on the mantle of the Jazz and Brass director, was Mr. Eklund.
Mr. Eklund grew up near Seattle, and has been interested in music from a young age. He attended his local Everett High School before entering into Central Washington University. From there, he transferred to William Patterson University, where he earned his Bachelor’s in Jazz Performance, before going on to earn a Master’s at New Jersey City University. Since then, Mr. Eklund has been fully immersed in the jazz and music scene around the NYC and New Jersey area, as a talented trumpeter, director, and teacher. For about the last fifteen years, Mr. Eklund has performed and directed at a professional level as well as taught music programs, whether at schools such as Ridgewood and Newark’s Abington Avenue School, private lessons, as adjunct professor at New Jersey City University, or as Manager of Music JAZZ HOUSE KiDS, where he helps run a program dedicated to teaching New Jersey children through jazz. Here at Delbarton, Mr. Eklund will once again take up the role of director of a Jazz Ensemble, as well as lead a Brass Ensemble for the first time.
At Delbarton, Mr. Eklund is already making himself integral in the Delbarton Arts Programs. Since the Kickoff Picnic, Mr. Eklund has been educating our musicians as well as providing private lessons. He loves the energy and spirit of the community and enjoys working with the students, and he has found the dynamic of an all-boys school an interesting change to his usual work. Outside of music, Mr. Eklund enjoys watching tennis, baseball, and football, with his favorite tennis player being Roger Federer. His favorite genre of music is jazz, favorite genre of books is science fiction, favorite TV show is “Bored to Death”, and favorite movie is Zoolander. He loves to hike and be outdoors when he has time, and would love to visit Machu Picchu. He has a 13-year old black lab mix named Ginny, who may or may not show up at Delbarton music events. Welcome, Mr. Eklund, to the Delbarton community, and we look forward to watching you improve Delbarton arts!