Come and Experience The Lord!

CJ Gasser, Campus Ministry Editor

A brief message from Mrs. Mainardi…

What is “Adoration”?

In the Catholic Church, we believe that in the Mass, the bread and wine brought to the altar become the actual body and blood of Christ.  Adoration is when one of these consecrated hosts is placed into a monstrance (see image in sign up link) and placed on the altar for all to see.  It’s a unique, special time to spend time with Jesus in prayer that you may have done while on retreat at Delbarton.

I would encourage you to give Adoration a try on Thursday for your own intentions, but also for our school, our country, and our world on this National Day of Prayer.  Spend 5-10 minutes with Jesus during your flex or lunch block.  If you feel so inclined, sign up at the link below, but all are welcome at any time.”