Class of 2025 Sophomore Class President Election FINALS

May 18, 2022
The final two candidates for the class of 2025 sophomore class president have been decided! After voting, Colin Gomez and Joseph Skuraton are the last two men standing. To give the voters more information on each nominee, interviews have been conducted. For a short bio on all of the original candidates, click here to view a previous article.
Colin Gomez
What classes are you currently taking?
Biology, World History 1, English 9, Spanish 1, Algebra 1, and Schola Cantorum.
What clubs are you in (including sports)?
I play lacrosse and am in the angler’s club, strength and conditioning, and Diversity Among Peers.
What was your reaction to the results of the prelims?
I was very honored and happy to be supported.
In your bio, you said that you were involved in your middle school student council for 3 years. What was your experience with that?
So the teachers selected a few kids for each grade to be leaders, and I was one of them. We had meetings to discuss how to make the school a better place. We also organized food drives, spirit week, and various activities, kind of like what the senior council does.
Where did you go to middle school?
Robert R. Lazar Middle School in Montville.
What is your experience with leadership (besides your middle school’s student council)?
I have had experience with leadership throughout my whole educational experience. Even in elementary school, I was selected as class leader every single year. After my uncle died from cancer, I led a fundraiser. Also, in lacrosse and other sports teams, I am someone that other people can talk to and look up to.
What community service are you involved in?
I assist the state police with organizing food drives for the homeless throughout New Jersey. For example, I’ve worked with some in New Brunswick, Passaic County, Patterson, and a lot more. I am also involved in a leadership group called “Our Town”; we go around and pick up garbage. Furthermore, I am part of “Helping Hands”: a collaboration between my church and former school that makes goodies for the homeless, as well as knits blankets and makes baskets for elderly homes.
How do you expect the final round of voting to go?
That is a very tough question. I feel that Joey is a great candidate and it’s neck and neck. Some days, people will vote for me, while other days, people will vote for Joey. Joey has done a great job as president and he will be hard to overtake.
What would you do as sophomore class president?
In general, the sophomore class president does not have a ton of power. Mostly, it’s the senior council that actually does stuff. As sophomore class president, I would do what Joey did and send reminders for Membean more frequently than once a week. However, I would also mention big events coming up every night. For example, a big struggle for students is when they plan to use homeroom for homework, but they don’t realize that there’s an activity tomorrow, like a morning meeting, advisory or mass. I would send out schedules throughout the whole week so kids know what to expect. Also, I would connect with class moms to organize events for sophomores. For example, maybe we could have breakfast for the sophomores once a month.
Do you have anything you want to say to Joey?
Best of luck, and may the best man win.
Do you have anything you want to the voters?
Make it an honest vote, and vote for Gomez.
Student Testimonials
Will Pedicano (current freshman) – “Vote for Gomez because he is an excellent leader.”
Jack Migliaccio (current freshman) – “Vote for Gomez because he is a man of his word and will do anything for the wellness of his class.”
Joey Skuraton
What classes are you currently taking?
Advanced Biology, Algebra 2, Latin 1, World History 1, and English 9.
What clubs are you in (including sports)?
I am involved with Diversity Among Peers and strength and conditioning. I also participated in the Solidarity Sleepout and play football and rugby
What was your reaction to the result of the prelims?
If I’m being completely honest, it was completely in the air for me. This year, everyone had a good case with the bios.
You’re currently the freshman class president. How has your experience been with that so far?
I know what the people want and I have a lot of experience, so I can build on that experience. I have a connection with James Royse, the current student body president, because he plays rugby as well.
How did you use your time as the freshman class president?
I reminded my peers about homework assignments. I posted about big games and events, and I showed empathy for fellow students. I also participated in organizing spirit week celebrations. I brought the people together and inspired my loyal subjects.
Where did you go to middle school?
Mountainview Middle School in Mendham, where I won salutatorian and a number of other awards.
What is your experience with leadership?
I have had a lot of experience with leadership. Although I am not always an official captain, I stepped up and led my athletic companions to success. For example, I was captain of the rugby team last game.
What community service are you involved in?
I donate to charity. For instance, I help to support a family in Guatemala. I help pay for their housing, meals, and education. I also volunteer at my church.
How do you expect the final round of voting to go?
I think there’s going to be a good contest over who will be president and only time will tell. In the end, the people decide who wins.
What would you do as sophomore class president?
I would attend more meetings and communicate with the community. I will definitely keep up my Membean reminders (that’s a promise). I will also keep up the sports and events posts. If I can, I will try organizing things. I will do anything I can to make you guys happy.
Do you have anything you want to say to Gomez?
Best of luck, my brother. I believe in you, and there will never be hard feelings. And your mullet is fantastic. And give me cookie.
Do you have anything you want to say to the voters?
I love you guys. Let’s get the four year streak. Be a shooter like Curry. Make the shot, vote for Skurry.
Student Testimonials
Owen Emge (current junior and candidate for senior councilman) – “Skurry is the most attractive and leader-ready person I have ever met.”