The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
ChatGPT Takes the World by Storm

February 16, 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world in which we live. It is helping humanity solve complex problems, make better decisions, and improve our lives in a variety ways. But with great power comes great responsibility. As we continue to develop and advance AI, we must ensure that it is used ethically and for the benefit of all. Let’s work together to shape a bright future for AI and for humanity.
… and that is where the AI stopped typing. Yeah, I didn’t come up with a single word I just said… that was all generated by an artificial intelligence called ChatGPT. It’s crazy what a computer, a few brilliant minds, and a fund of a billion dollars can do for you – write a full article for the Courier.
But in all seriousness, the advancement of artificial intelligence could prove dangerous. Of course, the developers of this AI are not evil people… they will fully utilize AI to advance fields of STEM, better personalize the Siri’s and Alexa’s of the world, and bridge the gap between humans and computers. However, a freshman in high school who has yet to write his history paper due tomorrow… might not share the same pure intentions.
Other potential issues with AI include an AI takeover where computers become more intelligent than humans and out-compete us for resources, or the idea that AI could malfunction and turn malicious. Really, for the most part, experts say such threats are quite unlikely given the lack of originality and creativity that AI possesses, so we can leave those situations in the Sci-Fi genre for now.
Though AIs like Chat GPT do possess a lack of creativity, they can still accomplish small menial tasks that experts would usually find time-consuming. This involves writing blurbs about houses in the real estate market or writing bios for employees on a company’s website. These small actions being performed instantly by AIs instead of educated professionals will potentially accelerate our rate of innovation, as people will no longer feel bogged down by lighter tasks that are necessary, yet easy enough for a high school intern to do.
Ultimately, while AIs are currently limited, the future does seem bright, and even in the present, it seems like we are on the brink of a new revolution. As Chat GPT storms the headlines we must sit back and think about what we should use this AI for. Is it inherently benign, or do its makers have a more sinister intention? All we can do is wait, and possibly learn how to code for the future, to see what the future holds in store.