Run It Out 5k 2023
A Cause and a Cure

April 14, 2023
For the past 12 years, the Delbarton community has gathered to honor the legacy of Coach Brian Fleury at the annual “Run It Out 5k”. For 14 years, Fleury served as athletic director, baseball coach, and English teacher at Delbarton. Coach Fleury passed away in 2007 after a battle with cancer, devastating the Delbarton community.
In his freshman year at Delbarton, Patrick Fischer ‘15 decided that his freshman project would honor Coach Fleury. He had never met the man, but knew of his legacy and importance to Delbarton. Fischer ran cross country, and had worn the letters BEF (Brian E. Fleury) on his uniform. He was inspired to use his freshman project not only to honor the late Coach Fleury, but to take action to help others suffering from blood cancers. So, Fischer organized and hosted the first ever “Run It Out 5k”. The name comes from one of Fleury’s most famous baseball mantras: running in an all out effort on every hit until the play was over.
In its first year, the 5k had 150 runners and raised $5,000. Last year, more than 300 participants showed up and numerous more ran or donated virtually from around the world. Due to massive community involvement and participation, the 5k raised more than $31,000!
The money raised by the “Run It Out 5k” goes to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: the world’s largest charity dedicated to fighting blood cancers. LLS raises money to fund treatment and help support those in the fight against cancer. The Delbarton Deanery program has been hard at work organizing participation for the event. There will be a prize for the Deanery with the most donations, as well as for the Deanery with the most finishers. The goal for donations this year is to raise more than $35,000.
I had the chance to speak with Mr. O’Reilly: the race director for the 5k this year. He expressed his excitement about taking on the responsibility. Mr. O’Reilly ran track and cross country at Delbarton before going on to run at Boston College. Though he didn’t know Coach Fleury personally, he described the influence that Fleury had on his own coach: Coach Barnicle. He shared an anecdote that I think perfectly encapsulates Coach Fleury’s legacy, and what the “Run It Out 5k” is all about: “I heard stories from Coach Barnicle about Brian Fleury’s commitment to the Delbarton community and the lessons he passed on. My favorite one is ‘I am third.’ I say this to myself frequently as a consistent reminder to keep my priorities in check. Faith first, family second, and I am third.”
Please click here for the link to sign up for the 5k and to donate. Any and all donations will help those in need of support in their fight against cancer, and honor the memory and legacy of Coach Fleury. This event represents the best of Delbarton in every way: let’s all do our part to make it a success.