The Beasts of Ekrioth: Chapter 3

Aidan McLaughlin

Haltrin trekked to the Subdisced Lands in lion form. His rough paws continued to trod over mountains and into valleys. He eventually reached a deep, luscious valley eroded out of a steep hill. There in the mountain, was a door. Haltrin quickly changed back to a man and stepped up to the cliff. As he tiptoed inside he immediately was thrust back by the smell. It was incredibly musty like a cave, and the scent of mildew and dirt accumulated in his nose. The entrance was completely dark. He stood in the doorway, and a cold strip of sharpened metal stopped Haltrin from moving any forward. It was pressed against his neck, with intent to harm. A voice sputtered out from the shadows.

“Listen hear Fogman.” The voice was clear and noble sounding. “I will give you 5 seconds to clear out of my chamber before I lodge this knife in your back. The Fogmen will never take Ekrioth, and you can reiterate that back to the bloody gargoyle that sent you here.”

“How about 10 seconds for an old friend?” Haltrin twisted the man’s arm and popped the knife into his own hand. He brandished it towards the shadows. “Lensenno. . .” A man of nearly the same body shape stepped out and hugged Haltrin.

“Haltrin! You’re back! Come! Come! This way!” Lensenno led Haltrin to an enclosed back room and lit a single ominous candle. Lensenno was a blond man wearing a tattered red robe. A belt and rusted sword wrapped his waist, and leather boots came to his knees. “I have been in hiding, waiting for you to return. Have you heard? The Fog has advanced. They are encroaching on Ekrioth.”

“Yes. I was just attacked by Jerucci and 50 Bogmen last night. But, that is not what I came for. I need a favor.”

“Sure, anything.” Responded Lensenno.

“The Beastskins have to take power once more. Meet with Ascenvul at Sedestran. He is with us. Arrange the army of Exos and become the Phoenix again. We must protect Ekrioth at all costs.”

Lensenno’s smile shifted to a smirk of determination. “I will protect my lands with all my heart. Ekrioth will be saved. I will transform to the phoenix and lead my army. The Beastskins will live on!”