Migrant Crisis: What Can Be Done

Justin Yang, Contributor

Currently, in Syria, nearly 200,000 people have been killed. While some people decided to remain in Syria, nearly half of the Syrian residents have decided to leave. As people scramble to escape the warring lands, there are two major forces at odds and other smaller groups on the side also capable of causing terrible damage.

The two larger contenders are the Government of Syria under the control of Bashar Al-Assad and the Islamic States that are willing to stand up and fight against the government. The main issue of conflict between the two groups lies in the fundamental beliefs between two different types of Muslims; Sunni and Shiite (or Shia). Bashar Al-Assad leads the government as a Shia Muslim, but the majority of the country is Sunni.

Due to this conflict in ideals, the two groups started a very harsh and violent war in the hopes of defeating the other group. Fighting usually consists with struggles between land and resources. While these two large powers fight, the innocent citizens of Syria are caught in the crossfire and are forced to find ways to escape the bloodshed.

Though these two groups are the most violent and have the most conflicts, the smaller groups that want to regain their land can also be just as disruptive to the citizens. These three major groups battle it out while the citizens of Syria have to watch in horror as good people are killed by accident, just as casualties of war.

With nowhere to turn in their homeland, the people of Syria are forced to flee to other countries. These people are simple common folks caught in the crossfire between 3 groups of dangerous fighters all competing for power. Primarily made of families with women and children, the groups just need places to go and stay due to the harsh conditions of their homeland.

All of this pressure is suddenly put upon the countries in Europe and those that are near Syria. Although the countries that border Syria have taken in a some of the traveling migrants, the majority of the migrants intend to cross over to Europe. But with limited space and racial tension, some of these European countries are not so accepting of the migrants, while others are more willing to take many in.

In Germany, small housing apartments were built to accommodate the migrants, but although the government might want to help, it is not always the will of the people. There have been riots and some of the apartments were destroyed in the hopes that the migrants might be dissuaded to go to Germany. But if not there, where would they go?

Lately, the western world has been under serious pressure when dealing with the complicated and difficult issue that is now known as the Syrian migrant crisis. This leaves many countries in bad positions where they are forced to choose whether to go the humanitarian route and help, or close borders and protect themselves from the migrants. Although America is not a European country, many look upon the United States for help and solution to this migrant crisis.

During the debate about whether America should help migrants or not, many different ideas were brought up. Those who advocated that America should not help often pointed toward the idea that it could cause harm to the United States with the increase risk of terrorists slipping through the security measures; while those who thought America should help argued on how there is a moral obligation to help the migrants. Currently, there is no permanent solution to the issue that the migrants present, but there are many different options. Some people believe that the countries that surround Syria should begin to uphold their moral obligations, while others insist that America and Europe must control the situation. Certainly the only questions that still remains to be answered is who will take them and how?

Though the other countries might be discouraged to take upon the cause of the migrant crisis, it should be America that takes them in. While helping all the migrants with their troubles America can also improve the public reputation that we currently have. Instead of waiting for the other countries to pick up the slack, America should be the role model to lead the other countries. After all, America is a country of immigrants and a few more migrants would just add to the diversity.