End Year’s Resolution

Tim Sienko, Delbarton Life Editor

All around the world people are preparing for the holidays, and subsequently, the New Year. Some will choose to engage in a New Year’s Resolution. Some may set up a plan to lose weight and others may plan to quit smoking. All too often, however, New Year’s Resolutions are fruitless and many give up before reaching their goal. This begs the question: why wait until the New Year?

If we want real success, why wait at all? Why wait until tomorrow? Why wait until next year? Many will miss their opportunity if they wait too long. Delbarton students need to engage themselves in closing out the year in the best possible way before even thinking about what lies ahead in 2016. There are so many opportunities to become even more well-rounded before the ball starts to drop on New Year’s Eve.

I challenge all Delbarton students to make an Year End Resolution. Go to a sporting event you’ve never been to before – hockey, basketball, swimming, and squash are just a few of the options. Try a new sport or help out on the sidelines as a manager. Join a new club – perhaps the Astronomy club or the French club. Do your homework the night before it’s due rather than 30 minutes before it’s due so you can attend an informative M-Block event. Help the community – there are plenty of options including Neighborhood House, Habitat for Humanity, and the Gift Collection and Distribution.

Everybody always talks about what they’re going to do NEXT YEAR or even TOMORROW. Make a plan to put yourself out there and try something radically different TODAY. Trust me, you may end up liking it and opening up a whole new world for yourself.