Star Wars Battlefront: The Good and The Bad

Eric Hsieh, Staff Writer

With the announcement of a new installment in the legendary Battlefront series, fans and gamers everywhere were drooling in anticipation. Furthermore, the game was to be developed by the company known as DICE, which specializes in shooting games, and is famous for the Battlefield series. While the game certainly has its merits, for numerous people, the game has been a big disappointment.

Star Wars: Battlefront has many positives and the groundwork for an amazing game. First, the graphics are incredible. When you are sprinting through the forest in Endor or flying a snow speeder on Hoth, it really feels like you are a part of the Star Wars films. It is clear that EA and DICE spent a lot of time, money, and effort on developing the realistic graphics of the game. Interestingly, one of the graphic producers even admitted that he snuck into the Redwood Forest National Park to take pictures for the game during the government shutdown. Another reason why the game is very good is that it is very accessible for everyone. The controls are very easy to learn, and just about anyone, no matter his/her age, can pick up a controller and play.

On the other hand, Star Wars: Battlefront also has many negatives. One reason is that the game severely lacks in content. Most of the game modes that are worth playing, such as walker assault and Supremacy, are limited to only five maps. This gets very repetitive very quickly and lowers the replay value of the game. In addition, there are a number of different types of guns in the game, but many of them basically handle the same. Worst of all EA, which is notorious for its money making schemes, will release a lot more content for the game for 50 extra dollars. This is ridiculous because most of this DLC (downloadable content) should already be included, and people should not have to pay double the price.